One Direction 3D Movie – August 30th

Looooove 1D!

Hip-Hop 103.9

One Direction


One Direction 3D Movie is theatrical concert film starring the boy band One Direction. This exciting group is due to hit the big screen on August 30th. Check out the trailer below:

[ione_embed src= service=youtube width=640 height=395 type=iframe]

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It Ends Tonight.

Tonight, I will end my constant worrying and let things play out the way they need.

Tonight, I will end my consistent over-thinking of conversations, events, and people’s feelings. 

Tonight, I will end the unimaginably large amounts of stress I have placed upon myself.

Tonight, I am going to let go of my regrets.

Tonight, I am going to stop putting my-self down.

Tonight, I am going to gain self-esteem.

Tonight, I am going to take time for myself.

Tonight, I am taking an oath to live for who I love and what I love.

I have been riding on this emotional roller-coaster for long enough. It Ends Tonight.